A String of Pearls


Charlotte Fryer Episode 15

If embraced, grief can give way to remarkable newfound insights and creativity.

0:00:54.8 Charlotte: Over the years when working with people that feel empty inside, we unravel that to find that it's not an emptiness. Emptiness is impossible, whenever empty, we are always full, but we can have an experience of being empty because there's a disconnect to ourself. Parts of our self have shut down. We've become detached. Maybe even we've amputated ourself from our deeper sensory awareness. Our feelings are most intimate intricate soul felt elements of our being and this can happen abruptly or it can happen slowly over a period of time. And when this presents itself in others, I find that beneath the false sense of emptiness, there's unresolved grief. When someone has had numerous disappointments and or losses over their life, there can be a numbing a dissociation from those losses because the grief is just too much or they perceive the grief to be either too much to bear that okay if I let that grief in, it'll be my undoing. You know that grief, where does it end? If I really sit and allow that grief to come up and throw me, I won't make it. I will literally not be able to function. That is one element.


0:02:49.2 Charlotte: And the other is sometimes the grief has become so buried that one has no relationship with it at all anymore that it's truly, truly a disconnect and can't even access the memories associated with the losses and the disappointments. And there's a thawing out that's required when someone is coming from that particular vantage point. They are so hyper vigilant and tense and rigid and holding themselves captive to often a perfectionistic way of being where nothing can get through the cracks and they don't want to be affected. They don't want to have a moment where it's revealed unto themselves that there's a sensitivity that they can come unglued and then if they come unglued, then what will they do? Which refers back to what I was saying about that fear, that grief is just too much to bear and so regardless of the approach dependent on the symptomatic presentation of grief. Grief is so detrimental to our body and not only our mind, but our body. Grief is typically held in the lungs.


0:04:27.1 Charlotte: We have a chakra system that it's most optimal is meant to spin and vibrate at a frequency for health. And in the lungs where we breathe, where we inhale and exhale life, the very source of our existence, that's where grief, if it's not processed, that's where it sits. And so a lot of times with people that are either learning how to connect to grief, or in the grief and processing through it, there's a lot of breath work involved. A lot of expanding of the lungs and a lot of breaking down to break through. And grief is something that if we embrace can give way to remarkable newfound insights and creativity, because there's been a blockage and to have that damn break free those then room in consciousness, in one's consciousness and in the body to start to experience new senses, new stimulus, new interactions with life. And it's quite a phenomenon to watch, and to be witnessed to a grief as the portal to a whole new way of truly living.